Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hunger and Thirst for God - Christ’s Commission Fellowship

Photobucket Hunger and Thirst for God - Christ’s Commission Fellowship

We all have a drive to satisfy what we think we need. We give our time, energy, and resources to the passions that drive us, thinking that attaining our desires will satisfy us. Most basic to our existence is our need for food and water, but these are only physical needs. Beyond the physical, we are spiritual beings who have a hunger and thirst that only God can fill. We have a God-shaped vacuum that only He can fill.
Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” At the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds His disciples that the only passion that can be fully satisfied is our passion for God and His righteousness. When we hunger and thirst for God, seeking Him with all of our hearts, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13).
However, we are often distracted by the things of this world. We sometimes have a lukewarm attitude towards God, limiting our passion for Him to mere curiosity instead of giving Him our utmost. History tells us of notable people and famous figures who have achieved great measures of riches, worldly success, pleasure, fame and notoriety, but ultimately destroying their health, relationships, and not finishing well.
In contrast, we look to outstanding men and women of faith who are “heroes” in God’s Kingdom. Though the world may mock or view them as “foolish for God”, we are encouraged by their sacrificial love for God. Psalm 63:1 shows David as a man after God’s heart. David was as early to rise and earnest in honoring and seeking God’s righteousness in his life.
As Christians, we are called to accept Jesus’ invitation to follow Him. Jesus tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28), compared to the worries and fears we carry. Despite this wonderful promise, we are often hesitant to seek God and grow in intimacy with Him because of the following:
FEAR. We are fearful that we will appear foolish when we put our trust in Him. This fear is remedied when we know the character of God. Is God good all of the time? When we place our trust on God’s incomparable goodness, we will not fear as we seek Him. We are fearful that we will lose control. We have the illusion that we are in control of our lives, yet the truth is we are not really in control. When we give God full reign and control of our lives, He will never fail us. As we start seeking God, He will teach us His ways and His love. Following Him leads to knowing Him, and knowing Him means loving God more and trusting in Him.
IGNORANCE of GOD & PUSHING ASIDE GOD. What is our security blanket? What is it that we are fearful of setting aside so that we can put God first? Our intimacy with the Lord is dependent on pursuing the things of God and not of this world. When we love what God loves, and hate what God hates, we draw closer to God. Our intimacy with God is not dependent on rules or regulations. Instead, it is simply a commitment to choose God above all things. God is pushed aside when our thirst for God is overpowered by something which has replaced Him.
Intimacy with God is restored by following these practical steps: telling Jesus you want a closer walk with Him; initiating conversation through prayer; confessing your failures; reading His love letter, the Bible; and expressing your love through worship and praise.
Each one of us must ask ourselves, what is the passion inside my heart? Am I hungering and thirsting for God first and foremost? As we decide to seek God above all things, He will have His way in our lives, and we will live abundantly in Him.

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