Sunday, August 4, 2013

Discipleship Begins at Home - Christ’s Commission Fellowship

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  Discipleship Begins at Home - Christ’s Commission Fellowship

Europe was once the bastion of Christianity. When you look at their flags, you see crosses. Why? They used to be Christian nations. Not anymore. Today, churches there have become museum pieces. This is a powerful reminder that Christianity is one generation away from extinction.
Since Christianity is not passed on automatically, it is very important for discipleship to begin at home. Just because you love and follow Jesus, it does not mean that your children will also love and follow Jesus. Parents have to wake up to the reality that they need to nourish and train the next generation in the ways of the Lord.
The family is the link for faith to be passed on to the next generation. Parents, not Sunday school or the youth ministry, remain to be the greatest influence in their children


Ephesians 6:4 tells us that parents, especially the fathers, have a very vital role to play in connecting them to God. In our society, there is this prevalent idea that the father’s job is to make money and provide for the family. The mothers, on the other hand, are expected to take care of the children. But the biblical model is for fathers to assume the primary responsibility of helping their children become godly.


A father is not to exasperate his children. Instead, he must nourish and instruct them in the ways of the Lord. A father exasperates his children by shouting, saying negative words, being sarcastic, criticizing them, and having unrealistic expectations. A father must be what he wants his children to be because they will become what he is.
A father should copy God who is the Perfect Father. God knows and provides for our every need, not always our wants (Mt 6:31-32). He only gives us what is good for us. God affirms and blesses His children (Mk 1:11).
Children, there are no perfect fathers. Many of you have been deeply hurt by your father. But we are to forgive our parents and respect them no matter what (Eph 6:2). God promises to bless us if we obey this command.
Parents, until you experience a loving relationship with our Heavenly Father, you will find it hard to effectively disciple your children. Be connected with God first and pass on this personal relationship to your children. Discipleship begins at home, and it begins with you.
Speaker: Peter Tan-chi 

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